Remembering the Lessons of a Cancer Diagnosis
After surviving colon cancer, I reflect on how the lessons from my journey transformed my life and guide me to embrace its beauty.
Embracing Change in the Face of Aging and Breast Cancer
I've learned to embrace the changing nature of my body as I age, accepting the challenges and finding gratitude in each day.
Survivor’s Guilt: Asking, ‘Why Me?’
Despite being declared cancer-free after initial treatment, I grapple with survivor's guilt, questioning why my lymphoma responded to therapy while others did not.
Preparing for Treatment: A Personal Reflection on Cancer
As I prepare for treatment of my chronic lymphocytic leukemia, I reflect on the challenges of aging and side effects while staying focused on living fully.
How I Navigated a Colon Cancer Diagnosis at Age 34
Receiving a diagnosis of colon cancer at age 34 was such a shocking experience, but it has helped me become more strong-willed.
To Those Facing End of Life From Cancer
We, survivors, often express our gratitude for life, love, support and research, but what about the patients who do not experience positive outcomes from treatment?
Cancer Memories of a Christmas Past
This Christmas, my wish for all of you is that you read this and feel seen, that someone out there knows how very hard this is for you.
A Christmas Carol: Lessons Learned From the Past, Present and Future
Watching "Scrooge" every Christmas made me reflect on my own journey, where my past struggles with illness taught me valuable lessons about forgiveness, love and joy.
Reflecting on Cancer During a Christmas Morning Run
A reflective Christmas morning run, following a cancer diagnosis, inspires profound gratitude for life and a renewed commitment to living a meaningful life.
A Holiday Poem: Who Says Cancer Doesn’t Rhyme?
The holiday season is here, so here’s a festive poem to remind us that cancer should not control us during this time.
Keeping Cancer Out of the Closet
I’m very grateful for my SLL medication, but I never thought a side effect of the medication would affect my wardrobe for the rest of my life.
My Dog and Thoughts of Gratitude After Cancer
During this holiday season, I wanted to take a moment and reflect on how my dog Payton stayed by my side during acute myeloid leukemia.
Cancer Taught Me to Make the Best of Everything
As a survivor of MDS, I’ve learned to make the best of every day and to be thankful for life. Sometimes this means avoiding others who are less grateful.
My Need for A Disciplined Mind as a Cancer Survivor
For many years, I have trained my mind to have more discipline, especially after being diagnosed with testicular cancer in my 20s.
With CLL, I Try to Make the Best of Everything
I haven’t been too happy with my blood work with CLL, but I try to enjoy what I can — including apples during fall.
A Season of Setbacks and Thanks With Metastatic Breast Cancer
Setbacks happen often in life, but finding gratitude can come at unexpected moments with cancer.
The Cancer Christmas Photo
One year, after breast cancer treatment, I decided to have a Christmas photoshoot with my family, which turned out to be a good laugh in the end.
After Cancer, My Doctors Assume Everything I Have Is Cancer
When you’ve had cancer do doctors assume every ailment is cancer for you?
My Expectations of Follicular Lymphoma Treatment
When I started receiving treatment for follicular lymphoma, I wasn’t sure what to expect regarding treatment — and a lot of things were unexpected.
Time, My Most Precious Gift After Breast Cancer
I’ve learned to live in the present by avoiding clocks, a necessary change in my life after having breast cancer.
Loss and Life Have Given Me a Wealth of Gratitude After Cancer
When my grandmother passed away one Thanksgiving after my colon cancer diagnosis, I realized how grateful I am for her life and my own as a survivor.
My Gratitude for Brighter Moments as a New Mom With Cancer
Reflecting on my first diagnosis of breast cancer at 36 weeks pregnant has made me feel grateful for the positive moments during that dark time.
A Breast Cancer Veteran’s Thanksgiving Reflection
This year for Thankgiving, I reflected on how my life has been as a breast cancer veteran and how grateful I am for the support, love and care from my family.
Counting Blessings Is Key to Living With Cancer
In the cancer world — or anywhere — the ability to give thanks in the midst of trials is an acquired skill. It must be practiced.
Tips for Making a Thanksgiving Manageable With Cancer
When I felt inclined to spend a holiday alone during breast cancer treatment, I was encouraged to think of ways to make new holidays with my family.
The Importance of Gratitude During Cancer, Not Only in November
Through cancer and life’s challenges, having and showing gratitude changed everything for me.
A Survivor's Thanksgiving: Celebrating Life's Blessings Post-Cancer
Celebrating Thanksgivings after cancer has made me appreciate all aspects of life even more and to truly cherish times of laughter and memories.
When Faced With a Cancer-Related Trigger
When I am triggered by something related to the cancer I have, I start going down a negative rabbit hole but remind myself to be vigilant when this happens.
Feelings of Gratitude in November as a Colon Cancer Survivor
With Thanksgiving coming soon, I find that November is the perfect time to reflect and gather feelings of gratitude as a cancer survivor.
It's OK Not to Have Full Holiday Spirit During Cancer
During the holiday season, overwhelming feelings are OK to have, whether you are a patient with cancer or a caregiver.