

How I Navigated a Colon Cancer Diagnosis at Age 34


Key Takeaways

  • Positive affirmations and motivational speakers played a crucial role in mental resilience during cancer treatment.
  • Spiritual growth and faith provided hope and serenity, significantly impacting the individual's recovery journey.

Receiving a diagnosis of colon cancer at age 34 was such a shocking experience, but it has helped me become more strong-willed.

Illustration of a woman with straight light brown hair and light brown eyes.

Carla Deschamps is now a survivor of colon cancer after receiving her diagnosis in February 2020. Read Carla's blogs here!

Have you ever wondered what you would tell yourself if you were diagnosed with cancer at such a very young age? That is a question I never thought in a million years that I would answer. Yet, at the age of 34, I received the biggest news of my life. I was in disbelief and in shock when my doctor informed me that I had stage 2 colon cancer. In this blog, I want to share with you the statements I told myself during my journey with cancer.

First of all, when I was notified about my diagnosis, I was in complete denial. I did not want to accept the fact that I had cancer. I didn't even know how, when and for how long I had this mass inside of me. The simple idea that I was not at my best regarding my health definitely petrified me. However, when I took a moment and reflected on what was happening to me, my first statement consisted of the following: “I will do everything in my power to be cancer-free.”With this statement, I started to shift my way of thinking and focused on affirmations to enhance my optimistic outlook about my diagnosis.

I began listening to motivational videos that made me feel empowered and happy knowing that I took control of how I was responding to the news. I started to listen to Les Brown, who became one of my favorite speakers during that time. I would listen to his speeches every morning as well as at night. He encouraged me to become the best version of myself. His words impacted me in so many meaningful ways.

Without Les not realizing it, he made me stronger mentally, which was pivotal during my recovery. Several of the statements that I began to express because of Les Brown were as follows: “I am strong, resilient and powerful.” "I have perfect health filled with bright light and vitality.” “I can become my highest, truest expression of myself.”

By applying these statements and repeating them over and over again, I was able to conquer and succeed during my treatment, especially during chemotherapy.

Listening to Joel Osteen on a consistent basis also assisted me with my spiritual journey. My faith in God started to grow each day as well as how I viewed life.

Joel Osteen provided me with a sense of hope, tranquility, and serenity that I really needed during that time. One of his sayings that resonated with me the most was “You can do all things through Christ,” which changed my perspective regarding my treatment and recovery. I knew I was not alone because I had my Father in heaven protecting, guiding, and taking care of me.

Another statement that was part of my spiritual outing included the following: “I am the daughter of the most High and he is blessing me each and every day.”I could honestly say that faith and hope played a significant part in my fight to stay cancer-free.

I want to end my blog by sharing with you my favorite statement that I told myself every day and still do to this day. The statement goes something like this: “Thank you, God, for my second chance in life and for allowing me to create memories with all the people I care about. I am forever blessed.” This statement has become my mantra in which I take the time to reflect and meditate each morning. It is a true blessing being a cancer survivor and expressing gratitude is the best way to appreciate my life. Indeed, life is full of surprises,and I am extremely lucky to be a part of it.

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