Ongoing Trials Aim to Advance HER2-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment
Dr. Kevin Kalinsky covers the gamut of the current treatment landscape for patients with HER2-negative breast cancer, highlighting recent advancements.
Jelmyto Maintains Effectiveness Over Time in Bladder Cancer Subtype
Jelmyto demonstrated long-term efficacy in low-grade upper tract urothelial carcinoma, with most maintaining complete response after several months.
PSMA-PET Improves Detection of Metastases in High-Risk Prostate Cancer
Investigators found that some patients with high-risk nonmetastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer were understaged by conventional imaging.
Myeloma Awareness Month and Acknowledging Early Symptoms of The Disease
Dr. Joseph Mikhael discusses the overlooked symptoms of multiple myeloma in honor of Myeloma Awareness Month.
Triple-Positive Breast Cancer Research Saved My Daughter’s Life
Cancer research saved my daughter’s life, and despite setbacks, we must support these efforts to ensure more lives are saved from cancer.
Expert Explains the Side Effects of Ordspono in R/R Follicular Lymphoma
Dr. Deepa Jagadeesh discusses Ordspono's potential FDA approval for relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma, highlighting its manageable toxicity and low CRS rate.
Blue Light Cystoscopy Reduces Recurrence in High-Risk Bladder Cancer
Blue light cystoscopy had a statistically significant reduction in risk of recurrence versus white light cystoscopy in high-risk bladder cancer.
Longer Imbruvica and Venclexta Treatment May Be Beneficial in R/R CLL
For patients with relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia, extended treatment with Imbruvica and Venclexta was found to be beneficial.
Antihistamines Associated With Bladder Cancer Survival, Progression Improvements
Antihistamines are associated with improvement for patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma receiving Tecentriq.
Dr. Kevin Kalinsky Covers Targeted Therapy in HER2– Breast Cancer
Dr. Kevin Kalinsky discusses the role of targeted therapy and clinical decision-making in managing estrogen-driven, HER2-negative breast cancer.
Trusting My Stage 4 Breast Cancer Body
Practicing consistency has made a difference for me while living with stage 4 breast cancer.
ctDNA Testing May Offer Patients With RCC ‘Peace of Mind’
Dr. Alan Tan explores circulating tumor DNA, its role in clinical trials and its potential impact on patients with renal cell carcinoma.
First Patient Dosed With Recombinant Bacillus Calmette-Guérin in Bladder Cancer
Following the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin shortage, the first patient with bladder cancer has been dosed with recombinant Bacillus Calmette-Guérin in the U.S.
Xtandi and Talzenna Therapy Shows Responses in Advanced Prostate Cancer
Dr. Chandler Park sat down for an interview with CURE® to discuss the biggest takeaway from the 2025 ASCO GU Symposium in terms of prostate cancer therapy.
Tedopi Cancer Vaccine Meets Trial End Point For Pancreatic Cancer
The phase 2 TEDOPaM trial evaluating patients with advanced or metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma met its primary end point.
Bringing Together the CAR T-Cell Therapy Community
It’s easy to think of scientific researchers as existing in a vacuum.
Nutrition is Key Following a Cancer Diagnosis
Nutrition is a challenge for many patients with cancer.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is Helping Patients With Medial Debt
Cancer is one of the most expensive medical conditions to treat in the U.S.
Discussing the Mission of CURE With Our Former and New Editors-In-Chief
Our longtime editor-in-chief offers advice to his successor while discussing the news and education CURE magazine provides for patients with cancer, families and caregivers.
Four Things to Remember When Both Spouses Have Cancer
When my spouse and I both faced cancer, maintaining a positive attitude, seeking support, listening empathetically and managing stress helped us through it.
First Patients Enrolled in Trial on Anti-HER2 Therapy in HER2+ Breast Cancer
The first patients have been enrolled in the HEROES trial, exploring de-escalation of anti-HER2 therapy in metastatic HER2+ breast cancer using circulating tumor DNA.
Targeted Axillary Dissection Offers a Precise Option in Breast Cancer
Dr. Kandace P. McGuire discusses how targeted axillary staging differs from traditional methods of staging in patients undergoing breast cancer treatment.
RECKGIST Score May Predict Recurrence in Neurofibromatosis Type 1 GISTs
RECKGIST score may predict recurrence in neurofibromatosis type 1 GISTs, potentially guiding treatment decisions, according to study findings.
Guiding Patients Through Shared Decision-Making in Breast Cancer Care
Kelly Grosklags discusses how oncologists can guide patients in shared decision-making while managing expectations following a breast cancer diagnosis.
Insights into the Latest Trends in Pancreatic Cancer
This month’s Research Spotlight highlights significant advancements in pancreatic cancer research and patient support.
First Patient Enrolled in Phase 3 Recurrent Prostate Cancer Trial
The first patient has been enrolled in the phase 3 PROSTATE-IQ trial being conducted in men with prostate cancer recurrence following a prostatectomy.
Surviving Life-Threatening Lung Cancer: Lessons Learned
Life-threatening lung cancer has taught me many valuable lessons and made my new normal so fulfilling.
Vepdegestrant May Reduce Disease Progression in Breast Cancer Subset
Vepdegestrant improved progression-free survival in patients with estrogen receptor 1 mutations in advanced ER-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer.
JAK Inhibitors Reduce Thromboembolic Risk in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Therapy
JAK inhibitor treatment is associated with a reduction in risk of thromboembolic events for patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms.
Pimitespib Associated With Stable Disease for Some Patients With GIST
Treatment with pimitespib was associated with stable disease in two-thirds of patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors.