Felicia Mitchell, retired from college teaching, is a poet and writer who makes her home in southwestern Virginia. She is a survivor of stage 2b HER2-positive breast cancer diagnosed in 2010. Website: www.feliciamitchell.net
A Picture is Worth Ten Thousand Words When it Comes to Cancer
Years after losing my brother to Hodgkin’s lymphoma, I learned something about how he felt facing a terminal diagnosis by studying an old Polaroid.
Treating Lymphedema with a Simple Trinket
Buying a pretty bracelet was healing because it let me look at my lymphedema in a new light.
When Cancer Makes You Cry, Cry It Out
Even stoics need to cry now and then. My advice from personal experience is this: it is okay to cry.
A New Year, A New Approach to Survivorship After Cancer
As I shift from an oncologist to a gynecologist for breast screenings, I examine both my reluctance to let go of the past and my hopes for the future.
Tips for Making a Thanksgiving Manageable With Cancer
When I felt inclined to spend a holiday alone during breast cancer treatment, I was encouraged to think of ways to make new holidays with my family.
A Month Without Pink, Almost
Preoccupied with other worries during October, a month full of cancer anniversaries, I reflect on how Pinktober caught up with me.
From Survivor to Survivors: Best Wishes for Recovering From a Storm
When natural disasters come, they affect everybody, including people dealing with cancer. I hope for speedy recoveries to patients affected by Hurricane Helene.
Balancing A Love of Cats With Lymphedema After Breast Cancer
If you have lymphedema after breast cancer and want to enjoy the company of cats, there are strategies to avoid potential problems, especially scratches.
Sharing Body Positivity after a Mastectomy
Having role models who illustrated body positivity helped me feel more acceptance of changes after my mastectomy.
Learning to Love My Post-Chemo Hair
Losing my hair during chemo treatments wasn't the hard part. The process of it growing back was.
Welcome to My Rabbit Hole: A Cancer Survivor with Lymphedema Admits Fears
It’s important for cancer survivors to follow-up with things that worry them. For me, my lymphedema sparked some fear.
Reflections of 'Death Cleaning' as a Cancer Survivor
Surviving breast cancer showed me that life is precious, but I also would like to prepare for life's eventualities.
A Cancer Diagnosis is Not Always Straightforward
The Princess of Wales' diagnosis of cancer after a successful procedure is not unusual — it even happened to me.
A Cancer Survivor’s Ghosts of Holidays Past
Every holiday season, one song starts to play in my head even if I do not hear it on the radio: “All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth.”
Breast Cancer: Two Words That Mean A Lot
When mentioning “breast cancer” in a story about my college experience is not allowed, I considered alternatives to the medical term that describes my situation best.
Musing About My Genetic Glitch
Although I know I am not a scientist, and understand my cancer may take a lifetime, I contemplate why I ended up with too many copies of the HER2 gene.
When Surviving Cancer Means You Can Mow the Lawn
Surviving cancer means not just checking items off a bucket list, but also taking pleasure in doing the mundane, from sweeping a porch to mowing a lawn.
A Case for the Human Cancer Survivor in a World of AI
Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly popular and can even write generic poems about the cancer experience. However, I feel that they cannot compare to the writings of people who actually lived with the disease.
Hiking Past Lymphedema
With each hike I complete, I feel empowered and reminded that breast cancer — and lingering lymphedema — cannot keep me down.
When Memory Lane Veers Into Cancer Highway
Cancer is complicated enough while we are in it. How important are specific memories and details as we focus on survivorship into, hopefully, an old age that may bring natural memory loss?
Lighting the Path to Cancer Survivorship
During this holiday season, lighting candles in remembrance and in honor of those who need a little light on their cancer journeys helps me cope, too.
Cancer Survivorship Superstitions: Can a Delayed Mammogram Be Catastrophic?
A routine can feel so comfortable that change is hard. So, when my annual mammogram and cancer checkup was delayed, I tried hard not to sweat the small stuff.
When Pinktober Brings Another Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Here are some tips on how I helped a friend who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.
My Treasured Box of Cancer Greetings
I recently came across a shoebox full of cards sent to me after I was diagnosed with cancer. The love expressed by others was uplifting to me.
Crying Over a Movie, Cancer and Lost Innocence
“Love Story,” the story about a young woman who falls in love and then dies of cancer, affects me differently now than it did when I was a teenager and no experience with either love or cancer.
Lymphedema Lessons for Summer Travels
I did not wear my prosthetic breast for my son’s wedding, but I did pack some lymphedema essentials for my trip.
I’ve Finally Allowed Myself ‘Bitter Resentment’ Over My Brother’s Death from Cancer
It has been 46 years since my brother died of cancer, and I have finally reached the “bitter resentment” stage of grief.
The Search for a Post-Mastectomy Swimsuit Can Be as Puzzling as Wordle
Finding a swimsuit if you have not chosen reconstruction after breast cancer can be a challenge, but there are many ways to find what best works for you.
When Another Friend Dies of Cancer, I Ask Myself, ‘What Quirk of Fate Left Me Here?’
As I prepared for my friend’s celebration of life, I reflected on other loved ones I lost to cancer and pondered why I am lucky enough to survive.
Cancer Changed My Relationship With Pain: ‘Being a Trooper’ Is Not Always a Good Thing
After seeing my brother go through extraordinary pain because of lymphoma and then surviving breast cancer myself, I always pushed through the pain — even when I shouldn’t have.