Bonnie Annis is a breast cancer survivor, diagnosed in 2014 with stage 2b invasive ductal carcinoma with metastasis to the lymph nodes. She is an avid photographer, freelance writer/blogger, wife, mother and grandmother.
Snow, A Wig, and Memories After My Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Cancer memories often sneak up on me when I least expect them to.
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Painting an Accurate Portrait of Breast Cancer Survivorship
As a breast cancer survivor, I feel it is incumbent upon me to give an accurate picture of cancer to others, particularly newly diagnosed patients.
Becoming a Better Version of Me After Breast Cancer
A revelation has given me perspective for the New Year, inspiring me to embrace change, set new goals and upgrade myself to a better version in 2025.
Breast Cancer Sucks But Sometimes Thoughtfulness Can Make It Better
Breast cancer affected my looks and self-esteem, but I found small things could make a big difference in feeling pretty again.
Embracing Change in the Face of Aging and Breast Cancer
I've learned to embrace the changing nature of my body as I age, accepting the challenges and finding gratitude in each day.
Time, My Most Precious Gift After Breast Cancer
I’ve learned to live in the present by avoiding clocks, a necessary change in my life after having breast cancer.
More Women Are Finding Their Voices After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
After my breast cancer diagnosis, I decided to take a more active role in my treatment plan, opting for radiation therapy over chemotherapy due to concerns about side effects.
International Flat Day, a Breast Cancer Celebration
When I underwent surgery for breast cancer, reconstruction was highly recommended, but I decided to remain flat — a decision I think about sometimes.
Bracing for the Impact of Pinktober for Breast Cancer
As a breast cancer survivor, I’ve learned to navigate the annual sea of pink, but I don’t like it.
Rest is Vital After a Cancer Diagnosis
A disease, such as cancer, that affects a person’s physical limitations can catalyze learning to rest, which is something I recently realized.
Is It Possible to Forget Having Breast Cancer?
After a decade of surviving cancer, I’ve wondered if it’s possible to truly forget I had breast cancer. After a small incident, I thought perhaps it was possible. Now I’m not so sure.
Fake News Freak Out About My Cancer Hero
I get upset when I read something thinking it’s true and then find out later it isn’t, especially when it’s something important regarding cancer or lymphedema.
A Decade of Survival After Breast Cancer
This year, I celebrate 10 years of being free from breast cancer. It’s hard to believe, but I am cherishing this milestone and plan to celebrate big.
Crowdfunding for Cancer Care Is a Touchy Subject
After a friend sent me a link to her GoFundMe page for her cancer care, I had to think long and hard about how to respond.
How Do I Love Myself Right Here, Right Now After Cancer?
After having breast cancer, I worked on learning to accept and love myself.
Experiencing a Type of Breast Cancer Déjà Vu
After a good friend told me about her recent diagnosis of breast cancer, I started experiencing a type of breast cancer déjà vu.
A Life Too Soon Taken by Metastatic Breast Cancer
When I received news of a fellow blogger’s demise, I was heartbroken.
It’s OK to Dislike Your Body Because of Breast Cancer
My relationship with my body has changed over the years, especially during and after breast cancer. Now, I have accepted the way I look.
I Don’t Have All the Cancer Answers, But I Wish I Did
After nearly 10 years as a breast cancer survivor, I've received so many questions I can't answer about cancer.
When Will I Be Officially Cured?
Questions about cancer can often be confusing and frustrating.
Necessity Is the Mother of Invention as a Breast Cancer Survivor
When innovation meets creativity, you never know what might happen, notably as a breast cancer survivor!
Is It Possible to Completely Erase Cancer Memories?
Cancer is such a life-altering event, that it’s hard to fathom being able to forget all memories associated with it, but I did my best to make it happen.
Overcoming Cancer Helped Me Step Out of My Comfort Zone
After cancer, I finally went on a cruise and allowed myself to fight through my fears, which felt so freeing.
Why Do Breast Cancer Survivors Require Annual Prostheses Prescriptions?
After a recent fiasco while trying to order prostheses and bras, I have an important question I’d like answered.
Thoughts on Death and Cancer
When a friend recently asked if I’d ever thought cancer might kill me, I had to think back and examine myself.
Christmas Wishes: A Personal Reflection on Post-Cancer Anxiety
Last night, my husband asked what I wanted for Christmas.
Could Cows Hold the Key to Killing Cancer?
Could killing cancer be as simple as changing your diet?
Is It Possible to Be Thankful for Cancer?
Being thankful for cancer seems like an odd concept to grasp.
Choosing to Share Your Cancer Story Is Your Choice
Choosing to share your cancer story is a very personal choice.
Bras Don’t Have to Be Burdensome, They Can Be Brawesome!
A local art exhibit allowed expressive creativity on a unique canvas to raise breast cancer awareness.