Bonnie Annis is a breast cancer survivor, diagnosed in 2014 with stage 2b invasive ductal carcinoma with metastasis to the lymph nodes. She is an avid photographer, freelance writer/blogger, wife, mother and grandmother.
Influenza season is almost here. In an effort to prevent the spread of the viral infection, some doctors recommend an annual vaccine. In this post, one survivor shares what happened when she shared details about her breast cancer and lymphedema experience before receiving the vaccine.
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Breaking Free from the Cancer 'Victim' Mentality
August 2nd 2019After a cancer diagnosis, a person's identity may change. Often, one may choose to identify with familiar cancer terminology such as "patient," "survivor," or even "victim." These identities can form a lasting positive or negative impact on a person's life.
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After a cancer diagnosis, it's common for a person to be presented with many choices regarding health care. As each choice is presented, the person with cancer must make decisions based on the information received. Not all choices are beneficial and should be weighed carefully. Each person has a right to do cancer the way he or she sees fit.
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Breast Cancer Survivorship Reminders
June 21st 2019Breast cancer survivorship is something to celebrate and there are many ways to commemorate the fact, but are t-shirts and other items the best way to honor survivors? One survivor shares her perspective and reflects on National Cancer Survivor’s Day.
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CBD Still Works for Me: A Follow-up
May 31st 2019Recently, I had my first experience with CBD oil and wrote a post about it on my blog. That was almost two months ago. Since that time, I’ve learned a lot more about using cannabidiol and the benefits associated with use. In this post, I’ll expound on the things I’ve learned through firsthand experience.
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