
'Rainbows of Hope' During Cancer

A woman uses a poem to explain how seeing a double rainbow before and during her cancer journey gave her hope.

I received a sudden endometrial cancer diagnosis in the middle of the school year while teaching. Seeing a double rainbow before my diagnosis encouraged me of God’s constant presence in any upcoming trials which included multiple surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation. Remembering this beautiful double rainbow in the midst of my cancer storm gave me hope to keep persevering through my treatments. While in remission, I saw another double rainbow in the sky that reminded me of God’s faithfulness in my cancer storm that allowed me to continue teaching throughout my cancer treatments.

Rainbows of Hope

A brilliant double rainbow of hope

shimmered in dark clouds

a week before my cancer storm arrived.

Upcoming biopsy worries

calmed by peace

reflecting on God’s faithful presence with me.

One week later

in a cold sterile room

receiving my frightening cancer diagnosis.

Looking ahead to the cancer storm clouds

unsure of what the future held

remembering the rainbow of hope.

During suffering of more surgeries

persevering in intense chemotherapy and radiation

my hope remained steadfast.

In the middle of my storm

surrounded by clouds of pain, fatigue and hair loss

recalling the rainbow of hope.

While in remission with new curly hair and renewed strength

dazzling colors encircled the sky

in awestruck wonder viewing another brilliant double rainbow.

God’s faithfulness reflected

from beginning to end

in the beautiful rainbows of hope.

This poem was originally submitted for the CURE® 2021 Poetry Contest.

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