Breast Cancer


CURE’s breast cancer page is an extensive resource of cancer information featuring the latest breast cancer news, expert oncologist insights on the latest cancer treatments, oncology research, advocacy efforts, and medical data on breast cancer.

Latest News

Illustration of a woman with dark brown hair with sunglasses on her head.
There is Nothing Pink About Breast Cancer

September 27th 2024

As a caregiver to my daughter who had breast cancer, pink takes on a new meaning for us — one I’m not quite a fan of.

Illustration of CPU and text saying "AI".
Study Suggests Using Caution With ChatGPT for Breast Cancer Information

September 25th 2024

Illustration of a person with metastatic breast cancer.
Enhertu Maintains QOL, Slows Pain in HR+/HER2 Metastatic Breast Cancer

September 23rd 2024

Illustration of a woman with short brown curly hair, wearing rectangular glasses.
How Cancer Bracelets Can Help Spread Awareness

September 19th 2024

Image of a cluster of white circular pills.
Kisqali Plus Aromatase Inhibitor Shows Benefits in HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer

September 18th 2024

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