

The Uncertainty of Health and Future Plans After a Cancer Diagnosis


Key Takeaways

  • A cancer diagnosis prompts emotional upheaval, necessitating acceptance and support from family, friends, and healthcare professionals.
  • Focusing on controllable aspects, like lifestyle changes and open communication with healthcare teams, empowers individuals to manage uncertainties.

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be intimidating, but it’s important to remember that it doesn’t mean you have to stop living.

Illustration of a woman with dark shoulder-length hair with a maroon headbands adorned with pearls.

Tamron Little was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma in 2007 as a 21-year-old new mother. Catch up on Tamron's blogs here!

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can turn your entire world upside down. It brings a looming feeling of fearing the unknown while festering a whirlwind of emotions, from disappointment, confusion and anger to hope and determination.

It’s as if your life has been marked, and you can't do anything about it. What lies ahead can be particularly challenging, as it forces us to confront the fragility of our plans and dreams. Yet, this uncertainty also offers an opportunity for profound personal growth and resilience. As daunting as the journey may seem, many, like myself, found strength I never thought I had. No matter how small, each step forward becomes a testament to one's courage and willpower. Moreover, this experience can deepen our empathy and understanding for others facing similar battles, fostering a sense of community and shared humanity.

As I reflect on my journey, I see the profound transformation that comes from embracing life’s unexpected challenges with an open heart and mind. As I navigated this new chapter, I discovered that hidden blessings await to be uncovered, even in the face of adversity. With each step, I began to explore new passions and rekindle old ones, finding comfort and joy in creative pursuits, the beauty of nature and the simple yet profound moments of everyday life. These experiences gave me clarity and purpose, reshaping my priorities in ways I never anticipated.

Though a cancer diagnosis can feel like a heavyweight, it became just one part of my story — not the entirety of it. Remember that a cancer diagnosis doesn’t mean you have to stop living. Through the highs and lows, the moments of doubt and the instances of triumph, I emerged not just as a survivor but as a woman thriving in cancer survivorship. My journey should remind us that while life may alter us, it does not define us. Instead, it enriches our narrative, allowing us to write a story filled with resilience, hope and renewed passion for life.

These are the steps I took to deal with the uncertainties:

Acknowledge and accept your emotions. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions, and giving yourself permission to feel and experience the raw emotions can be incredibly healing. Building a supportive network of family, friends and health care and mental health professionals is crucial. They can offer emotional support, practical advice and a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos.

Focus on what you can control. Honestly, this was a hard one for me. Before cancer, I liked being in control of everything. Now, I have realized that you can’t control everything and are not supposed to control everything; it isn’t humanly possible.

Turning your focus to things you can control might include making lifestyle changes to improve your health, setting small, achievable goals and finding ways to stay mentally and physically active. Mindfulness and incorporating prayer into your daily routine can help you stay grounded in the present moment, which is known to reduce anxiety about the unknown future.

Keep open communication with your healthcare team. I am a natural communicator, so this came easy for me. Your healthcare team can provide the latest information about your condition, treatment options and what you might expect moving forward. Staying informed and asking those tough questions empowers you to make decisions that are in your best interest and helps to demystify some of the uncertainties. Remember that there is no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to your health.

Reevaluate your priorities. Facing a cancer diagnosis really places into perspective what really matters. I often found myself reevaluating my priorities and intentionally emphasizing things that mattered to me, like my husband and children. Discovering new meaning in everyday experiences is fine, and I encourage it. A cancer diagnosis can often lead to a deeper appreciation for life, fostering a sense of gratitude and a focus on the here and now. While the future may be uncertain, the present moment is something you can cherish and make the most of. Trust me, you won't regret it!

Dealing with the uncertainty of a cancer diagnosis can be very challenging, both emotionally and physically. However, it can also be a journey of self-discovery and inner strength. By embracing the support of loved ones, healthcare professionals and support groups and focusing on managing the controllable aspects of your life, you can navigate this difficult path with grace and resilience. Finding meaning in the present moment and maintaining a positive outlook is vital in the journey toward healing and personal growth.

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