

Starting CML Treatment: Collaborative Choices for Better Outcomes

Focusing on the initiation of treatment for newly diagnosed patients with CML, Jorge E. Cortes, MD, details important factors to consider when starting treatment and Claire Saxton discusses strategies that optimize communication when considering treatment options.

This program was made possible with support from Novartis Pharmaceuticals.

Video content above is prompted by the following questions:

  • What are some of the most important considerations when starting treatment for a newly diagnosed patient with CML? How do age, comorbidities, and other considerations factor into the treatment plan?
    • Describe your best practices in helping newly diagnosed patients with CML better understand their treatment plan given the complexities involved.
  • In your experience, what strategies promote transparent communication around treatment considerations?
    • How can patients feel empowered to collaborate with their healthcare team to make an informed decision on the optimal initial treatment?
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Image of Dr. Christopher R. Flowers.
Image of a woman with brown wavy hair, wearing a navy blue top.
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