Extraordinary Healer®
Two nominations for the 2024 Extraordinary Healer award highlight the exceptional contributions of oncology nurses, demonstrating the power of compassionate, patient-centered care.
Two oncology nurses nominated for the 2024 Extraordinary Healer Award highlight the compassionate, patient-centered care that builds trust and improves the lives of patients with cancer.
I am new to oncology nursing, so I have only been working with Kari Pavoni in the outpatient infusion room for nine months. There is a tremendous amount of information that I have had to learn since I came here. Kari has been a great source of knowledge to me. She answers all of my many questions with patience. She has come over to help me during patient reactions multiple times, building my confidence in managing those patients.
She has her Oncology Nursing Certification and has advised me on a study plan for my own certification. But I really feel I have learned more from Kari by watching her interact with patients. She approaches all of her patients with kindness, love and compassion. She builds relationships with them and establishes the trust needed to put them at ease during a very scary and vulnerable time in their lives.
Recently, a very kind woman came in for her treatment and had Kari as her nurse. She brought in a large jar of change and dollar bills. She said she had a tradition of emptying her pockets every night and placing it in a jar, and at the end of the year, giving it away to someone in need during the holiday season. This year, she wanted to give it to one of her fellow patients, so she entrusted it to Kari. This was the perfect choice because Kari immediately knew who would be the recipient of the jar. She knew this because she takes time to get to know her patients and really listens to them. A few days later, the patient she was thinking of came in for treatment, and Kari was able to give her this great and unexpected gift. She really made a difference in this woman’s life. That is what I see her do every day.
I am writing to nominate Susan Budds for the CURE Extraordinary Healer Award. She currently holds her Advanced Oncology Nurse certification and Doctor of Nursing Practice. Sue has consistently demonstrated an exceptional combination of compassion, helpfulness and extraordinary expertise in the field of oncology. Sue is a phenomenal advanced practice provider, educator and teammate. In the clinic setting, she is prompt and friendly with her patients who adore her. She is always one step ahead of what the patient needs and will go to great lengths to ensure it is done correctly.
In countless instances, Sue has gone above and beyond in providing compassionate care to patients, ensuring not only their physical well-being but also addressing their emotional and psychological needs. Sue has a remarkable ability to connect with patients on a personal level, offering genuine support and comfort during challenging times. For instance, she encountered a patient with penile cancer who had severe unresolved mental health issues and distrust of the healthcare system and all medical teams. This patient refused to cooperate with anyone except for Sue. She took the time to listen to the patient and provide him with a sense of reassurance and calmness that many could not do. She showed empathy and made him feel seen.
Furthermore, Sue has exhibited a high level of expertise in clinical practice. Sue implemented a cancer center-wide initiative to improve hypertension management for patients with kidney cancer receiving tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Not only did she thoroughly educate clinical staff on signs/symptoms of chemotherapy-associated hypertension, but she followed up with action steps to take if a patient with this concern is identified. She was available for follow-up needs from staff and offered her expertise to all involved.
Her dedication to continuing education and professional development is profound. She stays informed about the latest advancements in nursing and genitourinary oncology. She attends the genitourinary society meetings and the Chicago Genitourinary Rounds to learn about advancing treatment options and patient outcomes.
She truly has the patients' best interests in mind, and it shows in her daily work. Sue is spoken about in the highest regard throughout Rush University Cancer Center and is truly a pillar in this community. She exemplifies what it means to be an extraordinary healer and is incredibly deserving of this nomination.
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