


Fall 2019
Issue 1

Advice From People Like You

We asked our readers, what is the most important lesson cancer has taught you?

We recently asked our Heal readers to share the most important lesson that cancer has taught them, and their answers ran the gamut. Here, we share some of the most poignant responses:

  • “Control is an illusion. I was 22 and had my life mapped out, but if it wasn’t for the diagnosis my husband and I wouldn’t have started dating. I’ve learned to let go and love more.” — Rachel
  • “Each day of life is uncertain. It has certainly taught me how to celebrate small things in a big way and have developed the attitude of gratitude.” — Rashi
  • “There is no day better than today.” — John
  • “Always listen to your gut. If something feels wrong in your body, get it checked out and get second opinions.” — Paulina
  • “Life can be so short and fragile, cherish those who cherish you.” — Traci
  • “There is life after cancer, but life will never be the same again.” — Aneetha
  • “I'm too stubborn to let cancer bring me down or finish me off.” — Peter
  • “It's OK, even necessary, to cry and be emotional. But at the end of the day, you have to pick yourself up and keep going.” — Sarah
  • “My BS tolerance is non-existent; thus, I have cut ties with some people, and I finally realize ‘taking care of myself’ is not selfish.” — Joanne
  • “To speak up and educate people about male breast cancer. This was something I had no idea I could get. Let’s save lives!” — Paul
  • “Keep my circle small, choose myself first, always trust my gut!” — Sari

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Dr. John Oertle discusses the key benefits to come from patients with cancer connecting with support networks, advocacy groups and resources.
Dr. Gabriel A. Brooks discussed the recent FDA product labeling update for Xeloda and 5-FU.
Photo credit: Max Mumby/Indigo via Getty Images
Image of a woman with a brown hair tied into a bun.
Image of Annie Bond.
Image of Dana Frost.
Image of a woman with short blonde hair wearing a white blazer.
Cancer survivor, Frank J. Peter, playing an original song on the piano
Brandi Benson, sarcoma survivor and military veteran, in an interview with CURE
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