Bonnie Annis is a breast cancer survivor, diagnosed in 2014 with stage 2b invasive ductal carcinoma with metastasis to the lymph nodes. She is an avid photographer, freelance writer/blogger, wife, mother and grandmother.
Rest Is Vital for Cancer Survivors
The value of rest for a cancer survivor is paramount.
What Is My Responsibility As a Cancer Survivor?
What is a cancer survivor's responsibility? How can she make a difference in the world?
Tips on Avoiding the Cancer Identity Trap
A cancer diagnosis can threaten to shake our understanding of who we are if we let it. Learn how to avoid this trap with some practical advice.
Get Ready for Pinktober! It's Coming!
Every year since 1994, we celebrate breast cancer awareness during the month of October. It's a special time of education and celebration. Learn more in this article.
Making Peace With My Belly After Breast Cancer
If opting for the flat and fabulous look, it's important to learn to make friends with your belly because you're going to see it more often.
The Unnamed Fear
There are many fears associated with cancer, but not all of them have names.
Don't Loathe the Lymphie Life
Learning to live life with lymphedema is challenging. The life changes it presents can cause many negative emotions. but you don't have to loathe life just because you have a chronic medical condition.
It's OK to Laugh When You Have Cancer
Learning to laugh during breast cancer takes practice, but with a little effort, it can become good medicine.
Life Isn't Lived In Reverse, Especially After Cancer
After a cancer diagnosis, some people choose to look at their lives as they once were. Instead of moving forward, they become stuck in the past. Learn how this survivor found a valuable cancer lesson while cutting the grass.
High Deductibles Affect Treatment Choices
The increase in health insurance deductibles has affected health care for many cancer patients. These changes contribute to unnecessary stress in the lives of some affected by breast cancer. Read one survivor's viewpoint.
Practical Tips for When Someone You Love Has Breast Cancer
Instead of feeling helpless, there are ways you can assist your loved one in navigating cancer. This post offers helpful tips to guide you along the way.
Breastless at the Beach
Summertime presents challenges for women affected by breast cancer. Body image often suffers if a woman hasn't come to terms with her new appearance.
Lesser-Known Symptoms of Breast Cancer
There are many signs and symptoms of breast cancer, although some of them aren't very well known. Early detection can help prevent more serious problems. Learn more about how to recognize and protect yourself.
What's a Cancerversary and Who Is Ned?
Cancer terminology isn't always easy to understand but in this post, hopefully you'll understand two of them much better.
What if Five Isn't the Magic Number?
For many years, breast cancer survivors have focused their hope on the number five. With the help of their oncologists, they've taken a big sip of this medical Kool aid. But are we hoping in an untruth? This survivor shares her perspective.
We're All a Little Broken
None of us are perfect. We all have flaws and imperfections, some us more than others.
Practical Suggestions for Every Woman Facing a Mastectomy
What do you do? What should you know? Here are some practical pieces of advice from someone who
A Coffee Mug Reminder
Sometimes breast cancer warriors need subtle reminders of their courageous fight. One survivor received that message from a coffee mug.
There's an App for That!
It seems there are apps for everything under the sun, but did you know there are many health-related apps for our phones that might be beneficial to you?
It Helps to Brush up on Your ABCs Periodically
A rudimentary knowledge of the alphabet is one of the first things a school aged child learns, but sometimes, adults need a refresher course, especially when choosing a prosthesis.
Residual Pain After Breast Cancer: Could It Be Cancer-Related Fatigue?
Residual pain after breast cancer can be cancer-related fatigue. Learn more about the signs and symptoms from this survivor.
Could Melatonin Be Beneficial for Keeping Breast Cancer at Bay?
The supplement melatonin is well-known for its benefits in helping people sleep, but could it also be beneficial for helping keep breast cancer from returning? Evidence shows this might be the case.
Daily Life with Lymphedema
For those living with lymphedema, everyday life can present both challenges and dangers. Learning how to avoid injury is vitally important but with just a few precautions, you can learn to protect your affected limb.
Mother's Day Memories and Breast Cancer
Mother's Day is a special time for remembering our mothers, and even when breast cancer was involved, the memories can still be sweet.
Healthy Weight and Breast Cancer
Keeping a healthy weight is vital for everyone, especially breast cancer survivors.
My New Normal Isn't Quite So New Anymore
Saying goodbye to your old normal is necessary when you're faced with cancer. The new normal is a vitally important part of a cancer survivor's post diagnosis timeline.
Alternative Cancer Treatment Requires Effort
Alternative cancer treatment takes a moderate amount of effort, but this survivor thinks it's worth it.
Social Media and its Impact on Breast Cancer Survivorship
Social media can be beneficial in helping survivors connect with others experiencing similar health challenges. Although the benefits haven't been measured, evidence shows strong support for social connectivity.
Wishing My Life Away
Wishing is fairly commonplace, but can be extremely counterproductive especially in the lives of cancer patients.
Time to Regroup: Advice from a Survivor
Advice from a long time survivor proves fruitful in helping this breast cancer survivor regroup.