
Words cannot describe


What do you get when you fill a hotel ballroom with hundreds of oncology nurses, dozens of admiring supporters, a Dixieland jazz band, an inspirational Hollywood legend, and several grateful patients on hand to pay tribute? Something indescribable.To call it a celebration of the oncology nursing profession doesn't quite capture the moment. CURE's sixth annual Extraordinary Healers awards event was certainly that and more. To say it was a show of appreciation for some of nursing's finest is an understatement. To describe it as an opportunity for older generations of nurses to hear from an actress whose groundbreaking role inspired them to consider nursing, and for younger generations who may never have known her work to understand why she is so beloved by nurses, falls short of the moment.I wish there was a way to convey the emotion of last night's event, but words fail me. It is perhaps ironic that someone who devotes his professional life to words would be inadequate to the task of communicating what it was like to be present at that moment. I've long admired the many fine nurses I've met over the years, but last night's event gave me a new appreciation for them. These selfless, dedicated, compassionate professionals are fiercely determined to bring healing and hope to everyone they encounter throughout the continuum of care, even when facing the most difficult circumstances.But don't call them heroes. They'll say they're just doing their jobs. If you dare to compare them to angels, they'll quickly change the subject. It's really no surprise that nursing continues to be one of the most trusted professions in America. As the backbone of our healthcare system, nurses deserve our respect, admiration and thanks. In some small way, CURE tried to convey that at last night's event. I wish I could describe what it was like to be there, but words are inadequate to the task.If you're an oncology nurse, consider joining us at next year's event in Washington, DC. If you're a patient, caregiver or survivor, consider nominating your oncology nurse for the Extraordinary Healer award. Regardless of who you are, take time to show appreciation for nurses everywhere. They deserve it.

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Dr. Chandler Park, a medical oncologist of Genitourinary Medical Oncology, at the Norton Healthcare Institute, in Louisville, Kentucky.
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a man and a woman in front of a dark blue background for CURE Speaking Out
a man and a woman in front of a dark blue background for CURE Speaking Out
a man and a woman in front of a dark blue background for CURE Speaking Out
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