
Why We Should Curse Cancer


When talking about cancer, it’s OK to use profanities sometimes.

Poor cancer!

Never has there been a more misunderstood malignant disease.

Sarcasm aside, the point I’m trying to make is that we cancer survivors and caregivers should show cancer no mercy. And what better way to do it than to curse at it!

Just go on to Twitter and type #cancersucks and you will instantly become part of an online community that hates cancer’s guts. Of course, you can step up your game and tweet #f**kcancer if you’re so inclined.

I mean, we cancer survivors don’t have to just lie down and take it. The “Big C” must pay for wreaking havoc upon our bodies and minds. Calling a spade, a spade is a good thing and bolsters our fighting spirits.

Cancer is, well, cursable!

I lambast cancer with choice words all the time just to let off steam and to show it who’s really the boss.

So, when one of our brothers or sisters in the cancer community puts their First Amendment on the line as they publicly curse cancer, I’m all in. “The Washington Post” reported that a Delaware cancer survivor is entangled in a dispute with the state government over her right to display “FCANCER” on her license plate. Delaware argues that the word is in poor taste.

Hogwash! Whose tender feelings are being protected here? Who’s the real enemy, after all?

But, hey, that license plate may appear a bit lame compared to what you can tweet. That Delaware driver could use even blunter language than “FCANCER” on a bumper sticker and violate no norm or law.

So, back to my original theme: Cursing cancer is really a positive thing amid the negative environment where cancer festers. In fact, as cancer progresses, God forbid, profanity may be one of the most reliable things left in our toolkit.

Now that the subject at hand is on speaking up, we should use our voice of experience to advocate for good health. So, the next time you go to the mountaintop to complain about cancer, scream these two words: “Get screened!”

Your public service announcement is both advice and a forewarning, coming from an expert, so to speak. With the coronavirus still locking down many of us at home or possibly postponing cancer treatments, let’s get busy and spread the word that screening saves lives.

Look around and you’ll see that you have the power to convince those in your inner circle to take the bull by the horns and get screened. For example, I am a big advocate forthe colonoscopy, a procedure that, when skipped, can have dire, or even lethal, consequences.

I’ve had numerous colonoscopies. The latest one, in June, produced results that I can brag about – no polyps this time! I’m not going to let cancer get a one-up on me when it comes to my health, especially if I can get a screening that might shut down the disease before it takes hold. So, whenever I can, I pass the word that colonoscopies are now recommended starting at age 45.

“What’s keeping you from making an appointment?” I ask friends and family members.

Those two words, “get screened,” can make a huge difference for the life and health of not only our loved ones, but in our community and workplaces.

So, curse if you want, but definitely promote a cancer-free life through a positive screening message. It feels so good to be an advocate!

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Dr. Neeraj Agarwal is a medical oncologist, a professor of medicine and the Presidential Endowed Chair of Cancer Research at the Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah, as well as director of the Genitourinary Oncology Program and the Center of Investigational Therapeutics at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City.
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Reginald Tucker-Seeley, MA, ScM, ScD, an expert on prostate cancer