
What Tips Do You Have for Coping with Roadblocks One Might Encounter on Their Cancer Journey?


On social media, CURE® recently asked its readers to share some tips for others for coping with roadblocks they might experience on their cancer journey. Here, we share some of their responses.

Each week on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, CURE® asks its readers to share their thoughts with the #CureConnect discussion question. This past week, we asked: “What are your tips for coping with the roadblocks one might encounter on their cancer journey?”

Here’s what our readers shared:

  • “Therapy. Dealing with life in general and then getting hit with cancer, I was a wreck. It helped me to focus, which helped me to manage the roadblocks!” – C.B.
  • “No matter what happens, look for some shred of a silver lining. Even if it’s just being reminded of the good in humanity again, hearing from an old friend because of everything you are going through and being able to reconnect.” – C.O.
  • “Be an advocate for yourself (and) don't be afraid to accept help from others. If your oncologist makes you uncomfortable, do not be afraid to switch doctors. Find an outlet that helps you cope – writing, painting or whatever. Your mind needs to heal so your body can! Most of all, it is OK to have a bad day, (because you can) start fresh tomorrow.” – D.B.
  • “Not everyone will understand your journey. (Heck, having no previous exposure to a cancer patient, I didn’t even fully understand what was happening to me!) Don’t take it personal, as you gain understanding, you can guide others to understand also!” – J.S.
  • “No one can do, or be, it all. Get help when needed and focus on yourself. When it gets tough, take a deep breath and just breathe.” – T.C.
  • “Don't forget to live. It's so easy to focus on survival mode, reading about the disease, treatments and worrying, that we tend to go into safe mode. Don't forget the person in there while focusing on the body.” – T.W.
  • “Love and support of family and friends, my strong faith in God, enjoying my dogs, garden, cottage, walks, and absolutely maintaining a sense of humor!” – L.B-B.
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