
What Do You Do to Pamper Yourself During or After Cancer Treatment?


On social media, CURE® recently asked its readers to share how they pamper and treat themselves during or after their cancer treatment. Here, we share some of their responses.

Each week on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts, CURE® asks its readers to share their thoughts with the #CureConnect discussion question.

cancer, treatment, pamper, advice

This past week, we asked: “What do you do to pamper yourself during or after treatment?”

Here’s what our readers shared:

  • “A cold beer” – C.Y.
  • “Sleep, watch Netflix and (drink) water, lots of water!” – D.K.
  • “I go out to eat! Since my treatment is in Salt Lake City and I’m in Ogden, Utah, there’s so many places to eat or my mom goes to Dan’s Foods and picks us up something.” – C.V.D.
  • “My daughter is my ride and caregiver that day and I buy dinner for both of us. We go home, eat, and she puts me down for my nap on the couch.” – T.W.M
  • “Drink wine, play loud music and go to the beach.” – L.M-R
  • “Normally I'll choose a bed if one is available and I'll accept a warm blanket to get nice and cozy. I'll also pick up a hot tea on the way to my treatment. And, back home, I'll make myself another cup of tea. It soothes my soul. I'm pretty easy to please.” – N.D.
  • “I took a trip by myself to the Oregon coast and watched the ocean for a week. I will repeat that trip in another 16 months.” – M.M.
  • “Picked up dinner after each chemo infusion, sent myself flowers after each chemo cycle, walked at the beach, bought myself cozy pajamas to lounge in.” – C.B.A.
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