
Today is International Day of Radiology


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I have been writing each day this month, as many others have, to count my blessings and show gratitude for this borrowed time I so enjoy. It isn't just in November that I am thankful. I realize each and every day how fortunate I am to be living in spite of cancer. It has taken more support, knowledge, dedication, passion, research and ability than I can imagine to keep me here and I am grateful for every bit of it!When I learned that today is International Day of Radiology, I felt that it fit right into my gratitude calendar. I wouldn't be here without the miracles that radiology provide or without and those who study and practice it. I'm thankful for the little magic beads (SIR-Spheres), Radiofrequency ablation, CyberKnife and external beam radiation that have given me more time and better quality of life. I'm grateful for the scans that determine next steps and the ability to have "the right scan at the right time." "Last year saw more than 80 societies from around the world celebrate the first ever International Day of Radiology and this year more than 110 societies have joined the initiative, bringing even more momentum to this already fast-growing movement."To learn more, just follow the link! internationaldayofradiology.comIt's a great day to recognize and celebrate!

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