
Survivors, Caregivers Share Hope for the Future of Cancer Advancements


We asked our audience what advancements they hope to see in the oncology space within the next decade or so. Here’s what they had to say.

While the world of cancer care is constantly evolving and improving, there is still work that needs to be done, screening to be improved and cures to be discovered.

Fortune cookie background with the words: How do you hope or predict cancer care will change in the next 10 years?

Cancer, survivors and caregivers shared on social media how they hope the cancer space changes in the next decade.

In a recent #CUREConnect question, we asked our audience of patients, survivors and caregivers to those with cancer: “How do you hope or predict cancer care will change in the next 10 years?” Here’s what they had to say.

Diagnosis and Prevention

“I hope a diagnostic tool will be found for #ovariancancer . I know from participating in #clinicaltrials they are closing in on some new, effective treatments for ovarian cancer. My oncologist founded the clinic and is a respected researcher. He’s very optimistic about treatment breakthroughs. I participate to extend my life but also so that my daughter and granddaughter will have these treatments available to them if needed.” — Kelly Irvin, an ovarian cancer survivor and CURE® contributor

“Better diagnostic tools for lobular breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Lobular is hard to detect via mammogram or even self-checks because it rarely forms a lump. And ovarian is caught most times at late stages. Unless one is being monitored already, it’s hard to get an early diagnosis.
I’m sure other cancers have similar diagnosis.” — Margarita M.

“(I hope to see) prevention, non-toxic treatments, attention to long-term survival.” — Instagram user, ZSDreams

“I am hoping there will be advancements in all forms of cancer. Where it is more understood what causes each cancer, how to cure it, and how to once and for all eradicate it.” — Debbie H.

“I hope there will be fewer products in the market that have carcinogenic properties. Whether it's something we're eating or putting on our body, our environment plays a large part to our overall health and well-being.” — Stephanie P.

Address Mental Health and Stigma

“I hope more effort is made for mental health support. I would love to see in the future, every diagnosis includes a psych-oncologist referral as part of the treatment plan.” — Lindsay B.

“I hope for more research, earlier detection, better treatment options and the de-stigmatization of lung cancer. It is dramatically increasing in non- and never-smokers, and particularly in young women. Did you know it kills more women than breast, ovarian and cervical cancers combined… but only has a 15% chance of (five-year) survival (according to Cancer Research UK) compared with 85% (10-year survival) for breast cancer? Lung cancer desperately needs more research, treatment options and support… but because it’s so stigmatized, only it only receives a tiny proportion of cancer-related funding. I really hope this will change.” — Gini H.

Hopes for Research Funding for Rare and Metastatic Cancers

“I hope more research dollars will be funneled to find a cure for metastatic, or stage 4, breast cancer. Currently, only about 2%-5% of all research dollars for breast cancer go to stage 4 (according to METAvivor). The rest goes to researching for earlier stages.” — Susan L.

“A cure; and more research money spent on the rare cancers since the numbers of diagnosis are lower, therefore the money doesn’t go to them.” —Instagram user, Guatemalanglobes, a triple-negative breast cancer and chondrosarcoma survivor.

“One day there will be a cure for (metastatic breast cancer).” — Instagram user, Minesnotebook

Future Treatment Advancements

“Hoping for a cancer vaccine.” — JM

“I hope that the last few years of leaps and bounds forward in mRNA technology will allow for more targeted, individualized therapy for all cancers, but particularly metastatic breast cancer.” — Debbie Legault, mother of a woman with breast cancer and CURE® contributor

“I also think and hope we’ll see a rise in personalized medicine, where patients will receive more personalized treatment and care based on their specific cancers at a molecular level.” — Gini H.

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