

Surrendering to God: How My Faith Led to Healing From Cancer

Through colon cancer and liver cancer, faith is what brought me to peace and clarity during treatment and now survivorship.

Image of a person raising their arms to the sky while standing in a field.

"My journey was not just about battling a physical illness, but about discovering the depths of my faith and the power of surrender," Pamela wrote.

Cancer is a word that strikes fear into the hearts of many. It conjures images of suffering, loss and a battle that often feels unwinnable. For me, cancer wasn’t just a distant concept; it was my reality. My journey with cancer was a rollercoaster of emotions, faith and, ultimately, a testament to the power of surrendering to God.

I had only been colon cancer-free for a few weeks when I received another devastating diagnosis: liver cancer. The news hit me like a freight train. Just as I had begun to breathe a sigh of relief and reclaim a sense of normalcy, I found myself plunged back into the depths of fear and uncertainty. The thoughts of imminent death were overwhelming. I couldn't help but think about my son. If I wasn’t here, who would take care of him? The anxiety was paralyzing.

In my despair, I turned to the one source of comfort and strength I had always known: God. I prayed fervently, pouring out my heart and soul. I asked God to take care of my son, to watch over him and ensure his well-being. The tears flowed freely as I cried out in desperation. I felt so powerless, so small in the face of this monstrous disease. I prayed and prayed, seeking solace and guidance.

Amidst the tears and the heartache, I found myself praying for peace. I needed to quiet the storm within me, to find a sense of calm in the chaos. As I continued to pray, something remarkable happened. It was as if a light pierced through the darkness enveloping my soul. I felt a profound sense of peace wash over me, a reassurance that defied all logic and reason.

In that moment, God spoke to my heart. He told me that if He chose to heal me from cancer, it would mean more time on earth to fulfill my purpose. However, if He did not heal me and I went to heaven, I would be with Him in eternal peace and joy. The message was clear; either way, I would win. This revelation was transformative. It shifted my perspective entirely.

I realized then what was truly important. It wasn’t the number of days I had left on this earth, but how I chose to live those days. It was about the love I shared, the faith I upheld and the legacy I would leave behind. My fear of death was replaced with a sense of purpose and determination. I knew that my life, whether long or short, had meaning and value.

This newfound peace and clarity changed everything. I approached my treatment with a renewed sense of hope and faith. I trusted in God’s plan for my life, whatever that might be. I focused on the blessings I had, the love of my family and the strength of my faith. I surrendered completely to God, letting go of my fears and anxieties.

Miraculously, as time went on, my health began to improve. The treatments started to work, and the cancer began to retreat. The doctors were amazed at my progress. I knew, deep in my heart, that it was not just the medicine that was healing me, but the power of my faith and the grace of God. Surrendering to Him had given me the strength to fight, the courage to hope and the peace to accept whatever came my way.

Today, I am cancer-free. My journey was not just about battling a physical illness, but about discovering the depths of my faith and the power of surrender. I learned that true peace comes from trusting in God’s plan, from knowing that we are never alone and that His love transcends all suffering.

In sharing my story, I hope to inspire others who are facing their own battles. Whether it’s cancer or any other challenge, know that surrendering to God can bring a peace that surpasses all understanding. It’s not about giving up; it’s about giving over – giving over your fears, your doubts and your worries to the One who holds the universe in His hands.

Remember, with God, you are never alone, and with faith, there is always hope. Surrender to Him and find the strength to face whatever comes your way, knowing that in His love, there is always victory.

This post was written and submitted by Pamela McColloch. The article reflects the views of McColloch and not of CURE®. This is also not supposed to be intended as medical advice.

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