Please join us on Saturday, June 25, 2022 from 7:30AM – 4:00PM for the not-to-be-missed Neuroendocrine Cancer Patient Conference in Rochester Michigan. Dr. Aman Chauhan of the UK Merkey Cancer Center, Dr. James Howe and Dr. David Bushnell of the University of Iowa, Dr. Amr Mohamed of UH Seidman Cancer Center, Cleveland OH, and Dr. Sreenivasa Chandana of Grand Rapids, Michigan will be there to give you the information you need to make sure you get the best treatment possible in your fight against neuroendocrine cancer.
Some of the topics are brand-new and just published, sprinkled in with advice from the EXPERTS on the top issues faced by NET patients. Topics that will be covered are useful to an audience of all levels, including patients, family members and caretakers of patients. Plus, you’ll get to network with dozens of other patients who understand what you are going through and share your concerns. This is a perfect opportunity to build your knowledge and become a better advocate for your health!
ROYAL PARK HOTEL: 600 E. University Drive, Rochester, MI 48307
FEE: $20 donation per attendee. This includes continental breakfast, buffet lunch, drink and snacks for the day. We will provide zebra face mask and hand sanitizer for attendees.