For the Jewish New Year, I had no more signs of lymphoma.
Robert Barrows wrote and drew during his chemotherapy sessions.
Photo Credit: Robert Barrows
Six-month follow-up
(Cat) scan shows no lymphoma
L'shana tova
(The words L’shana tova mean Happy New Year in Hebrew. My follow-up CT scan was roughly around the time of the Jewish New Year.)
My lymphoma was non-Hodgkin B-cell follicular lymphoma, stages 1 to 2.
When I went for an annual check-up in June 2017, my doctor noticed some tenderness in several parts of my abdomen. After ordering some tests and a CT Scan, the cancer was diagnosed, and I began chemo treatments in September 2017.
By February 2018, the cancer was in full remission. But my doctor warned me….he said “Don’t ever say you’re ‘Cancer Free.’ There may always be one cell left that turns back into cancer.”
Later, in September 2018, when I had my six-month follow-up CT scan, the results showed No More Lymphoma, and I wrote the short haiku and sent it to my sister for the New Year. (My sister writes a lot of poetry.)
About two years ago, my oncologist told me that I didn't have to see him anymore.
This post was written and submitted by Robert Barrows. The article reflects the views of Barrows and not of CURE®. This is also not supposed to be intended as medical advice.
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