

Love and Family Were My Weapons Against Cancer


My wife and children were by my side as I underwent grueling and life-changing prostate cancer treatment.

woman holding paper people representing a family

My family was there for me through my prostate cancer treatments.

A pivotal moment in my cancer experience was realizing that my wife and children were standing by my side, no matter what I was going through — even when I was not the best version of myself.

I was diagnosed with a very aggressive prostate cancer, there was no time to explore different treatments and no time for surveillance. There was only time to prepare for the surgery I needed.

The cancer was so aggressive that just removing the prostate was not enough. I also had to go through eight weeks of radiation therapy. My mind and body would never be the same. I came out of the surgeries and treatments with stage 3 prostate cancer.

Learning to live with the permanent, debilitating side effects was the hardest part. I was 53 years old when I was diagnosed, and really did not expect my life to change so drastically. But as time went on, I will admit, I had a very difficult time dealing with this "new normal."

Then, not even a year later, the cancer returned.

I saw a medical oncologist to help me through this cancer battle. But eventually, the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels — which could indicate prostate cancer — kept rising and a PET scan showed the cancer had spread to my left obturator muscle.

I was now classified as a stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer patient, and once again, treatment had to begin. I learned that hormone therapy is a devastating treatment for a man to go through, as the treatment lowers testosterone to almost nothing.

As I was trying to get my footing on my life, my business and my sanity, I realized that my wife, son and daughter had never left my side. They stood strongly by helping me, supporting me and letting me know that no matter what, they were not going anywhere.

So, as of today, I have a much better outlook on life. I started going to the gym to help keep my bone density and muscle mass as strong as possible. The gym has given me a huge confidence boost that helped me regain the love I had lost for myself. And once I was able to honestly love myself, I was able to sincerely love my family.

I have been in remission for almost two years now and feel better than ever. The power of love and family is one of the strongest weapons a person can have.

This post was written and submitted by Edward J. Evon. The article reflects the views Evon and not of CURE®. This is also not supposed to be intended as medical advice.

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