
Join Our Next #CureConnect Tweet Chat on the Costs of Cancer

Save the date! We invite you to join CURE for our next monthly #CureConnect Tweet Chat on Thursday, April 30, at 1 p.m. EST, when we plan on discussing the costs of cancer.

Save the date! We invite you to join CURE for our next monthly #CureConnect Tweet Chat on Thursday, April 30, at 1 p.m. EST, when we plan on discussing the costs of cancer — both financial and otherwise.

Each month, we host a #CUREConnect Tweet Chat to bring together patients with cancer, survivors, advocates, caregivers & treatment providers to promote collaboration within the community. The chats take place on Twitter on the last Thursday of every month, at 1 p.m. EST.

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During the chat, we'll be asking the following questions:

  • Drug Prices: When discussing the cost of cancer, drug prices top the list as one of the hottest topics. How do you see the cost of treatment affecting health care plans?
  • Financial Toxicity: Because of high drug prices, many patients face cancer’s “twin ailment”: financial toxicity. What are your thoughts on this term? Have you experienced this yourself?
  • Career Costs: In addition to a financial cost, cancer can even cost a patient their job - or can make finding a job stressful. What advice would you have — or would you like – on careers and cancer?
  • Mental Health: Sometimes cancer costs more than money — it can cost peace of mind. Many experience anxiety, depression, and other issues as a result of living with the disease. How has cancer affected your mental health?
  • Fertility: As a result of cancer or its treatment, the disease may cost some patients their fertility. Have you or someone you know experienced this? How can patients manage their potential reproductive concerns?

Never participated in a Tweet Chat before? It’s simple!

tweet chat finances insurance financial issues

How to Join a Tweet Chat:

  1. Log in to your Twitter account on the date and time of the chat and search for “#CureConnect” to find the conversation. You can also search for CURE Magazine and see the questions on our feed.
  2. Make sure you’re filtering your search results by “Latest” to see questions — and other participants’ answers! – in real time.
  3. Every few minutes, we’ll Tweet questions that we invite you to respond to using #CureConnect. You can also join the discussion by watching the hashtag to see other responses. See a response you want to add to? Reply with #CureConnect!
  4. Don’t forget to add #CureConnect to each response you share so others can see your tweets and chat with you too!

We'll see you on Twitter!

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