When I was diagnosed with stage 1A cervical cancer, I realized that life is short and I want to spend my time being the best version of myself.
"This cancer diagnosis changed me in different ways," Kim wrote. "I look at life like it’s a precious gift. Because it is. Life is a dream."
They say that Faith makes all things possible,
I saw it firsthand when I got my diagnosis of cervical cancer
Begging the question, “Is my faith strong enough to get me through this tumultuous time?”
They say that Love makes all things easy,
I know that I was surrounded by love before but, after my diagnosis, that love seemed to triple in size
They say that Hope makes all things work,
Cervical cancer stage 1A is what my doctor announced,
And from that moment on, hope filled my heart with renewed thoughts of survival and longevity
This cancer was not going to beat me, I was going to make it through to the other side and it was going to be glorious
They say that Family makes life worth living,
This is what I was fighting for,
To be able to see my children flourish in their own adult lives
To be able to see my grandchildren grow and experience life as it is
To be able to enjoy my life as a cancer survivor…more thankful and resilient than I’ve ever been.
I wanted to submit this poem because I wanted to express all of the thoughts and emotions I dealt with throughout my cancer journey. And the best way I knew to do that was through writing. This poem expresses everything I’ve experienced during my cancer journey thus far, including my actual diagnosis, endless doctor appointments, chemotherapy and my upcoming radiation treatments. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 64.
When I received a dreaded phone call from my doctor, he told me “Cervical cancer.” At first, I was silent. I could say that I was probably shocked about the diagnosis. When I was a little girl, I would always say that I hope I live a long life and that particular “C” word would never happen to me. But it did. I was already strong and positive about life. This cancer diagnosis changed me in different ways. I look at life like it’s a precious gift. Because it is. Life is a dream. I plan on being the best me I can be until my time on this Earth is up.
This poem was written and submitted by Kim Welton. The article reflects the views Welton and not of CURE®. This is also not supposed to be intended as medical advice.
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