
Eyebrows and Microblading for Cancer Survivors

It is nice to know there are options and supportive programs for women who wish to use makeup to feel good about their appearance.

Every woman overcoming cancer will have different views and desires for beauty before and after procedures and treatments. It is nice to know that there are options and supportive programs for women who wish to use makeup to feel good about their appearance. I was recently introduced to micoblading in the Wynwood area of Miami. It is a great option for individuals who might be considering a natural, but more permanent approach to beauty and adjustment from treatments. A fellow survivor introduced me to the topic and procedure, so I checked it out for myself and found the finished result to be amazing. Microblading helps to fill in areas which are thin or adds to areas where you might have once had full eyebrows. The procedure appears much more natural than former methods of tattooing for eyebrows.

If you are considering microblading or any makeover, you may wish to bring a picture or two of how you looked prior to losing your eyebrows, but also discuss the process with someone who has the proper training to provide such services in your state. If you are open to their suggestions, the provider can also give you a brow based on the structure of your face. I choose to keep the look defined, but as natural as possible. The procedure will vary in cost, but you may want to be cautious not to select someone just because they are less expensive. Consider their work and what others have to say about their experience. An initial microblading procedure lasting about a year can cost around $700.00, or more in in some areas. It is a tattoo and you will need to carefully care for your skin following the procedure. A release from your oncologist will likely be recommended, and it may be good to discuss your health prior to any such procedure.

The esthetician I used is supportive of survivors and even donates his time to teach women how to properly wear makeup following cancer-related procedures. Caleb additionally donates one micorblading session a month to a cancer survivor. There are many organizations you can google to find kits and other forms of support if you have experienced a loss of facial hair. The kits may help you or a family member in need to use makeup in a manner which helps with the adjustment of healing and these are alternatives to microblading. Some survivor kits teach you how to use your own makeup, while other providers offer a free kit with ingredients. I can say that the miroblading is nice, and you can potentially locate a program which offers free or reduced services to survivors; but remember, there will be upkeep which you will need to incur annually if you continue to maintain the look, but touchups are often less expensive than the initial procedure. While I am not suggesting you need to wear makeup or have eyebrows while healing, I merely recognize that taking care of our body mentally, physically and sometimes esthetically can help us feel better. I feel if it helps with your healing do what makes you feel good inside and out. Whatever choice you make, may you put your best brow forward in your appearance and in your healing.

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