
Do you make new year's resolutions?

I've decided to dedicate this year's resolutions to my health, my work at CURE, and my family. Instead of ongoing and abstract goals, such as giving up sodas forever or being a better listener, I've written down some goals that I think are manageable. On top of that, a friend forwarded me a timeless article, "10 Things Science Says Will Make You Happy." If I keep my goals this year, I will have accomplished several in the list "scientists" recommend for happiness. (I'm not sure who these "scientists" are, but they make sense, so I'm going with it.)1. Exercise.

I ran a couple of 5Ks last year with my young son. They were great experiences for both of us, and I hope it will help instill in him the importance and fun in exercising. This year, I plan to run five 5ks. With my work at CURE, I especially want to find races with a cancer tie-in. Any suggestions for races will be much appreciated!2. Get organized at work and home.

I've tried this resolution before, but I feel good about this year! One goal is to donate items I'm not using--clothes, furniture, books and magazines. There are several organizations that collect donations, but you may be interested in knowing that there are organizations out there that collect items specifically for cancer patients. Brides Against Breast Cancer is a fundraiser that collects used wedding dresses, with the money going toward men and women with metastatic breast cancer. There are several organizations, including Network of Strength and local chapters of the American Cancer Society that accept gently used wigs, prostheses, and other cancer-related items. The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and other centers accept items for their hospitals and patients, including books, DVDs, and recent magazines. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, CancerCare, ACS chapters, and other organizations have local thrift shops that accept donations. 3. Home: Spend more quality time with my family.

While working at CURE over the years, I have read the most touching e-mails and letters from readers. Those who have shared their feelings at the time of diagnosis, end of treatment, and end of life have truly made me understand what's important in life. A few years ago, I received a letter from a woman who wrote of how her husband was told of his diagnosis. The oncologist had a, let's just say, less than ideal bedside manner, and told them to prepare for the worst. Upon leaving, they stopped in the parking lot and just held each other. Time is so precious. I would read that letter several times a year when I would get upset at my husband for one little thing or another, and it would make me think: If we were faced with that couple's situation, would this argument matter? Almost always, the answer was "No." So, do you make resolutions each year? Why or why not? I'm hoping by putting mine in writing this year, I can hold myself to them. Wish me luck!

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Dr. Andreas M. Kaiser is a professor and chief of the Division of Colorectal Surgery in the Department of Surgery at City of Hope comprehensive cancer center in Duarte, California.
Dr. Guru Sonpavde emphasized the importance of better understanding how genetic mutations influence the treatment of cancer care, particularly GU cancers.
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