
CURE's Top Stories: July 2020

Each month, we take a look back at the most popular CURE® stories. Here are the top five stories for July 2020.

Each month, we take a look back at the most popular CURE® stories. Here are the top five stories from July 2020.

5. How Do You Die of Chronic Cancer?

CURE® Contributor Martha Carlson takes a look at how the death of actress Kelly Preston revealed how little is known about advanced breast cancer, and why more needs to be done for those with metastatic disease.

4. Pushing Glioblastoma Awareness Toward a Happier Ending

In honor of the second annual Glioblastoma Awareness Day in the United States, Erica Finamore shares her story of the journey and untimely passing of her husband Jon Marc, and how that passing has still given to the research of brain cancer.

3. Learning How to Treat Cancer Safely and Effectively in the Era of COVID-19

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to put a strain on health systems around the world, cancer treatment centers must remain flexible and proactive in order to continue to serve patients in a safe and effective way in the future, says Dr. Pat Basu, President and CEO of Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

2. The 'Teeter-Totter' of Blood Draws

Here, CURE® contributor Jane Biehl, who has myelodysplastic syndrome, explores just how much information can be gleaned from one little blood sample, and how getting routine bloodwork is a vital part of staying informed and healthy.

1. Leading Cancer Organizations Urge U.S. to Reconsider Withdrawing from the World Health Organization

After President Trump stated the U.S. will withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO) earlier this month, several leading cancer organizations and members of Congress have responded in favor of remaining in the WHO, as leaving could have dire consequences for cancer care — and public health in general.

Thank you for reading!

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