
CURE's Top 5 Stories: April 2019

Here are the top 5 CURE stories for April 2019.

Here are the top 5 CURE stories for April 2019.

5. Cancer Changed Me for the Better

Can a cancer diagnosis affect a person in a positive way? Survivor Bonnie Annis goes into how her diagnosis taught her some positive life lessons in this piece.

4. First-Ever Lynch Syndrome Center Opens in Boston

Learn more about this new Dana Farber-affiliated center that aims to help patients and families with this inherited condition in this interview with the center’s director.

3. Drumming Out Head and Neck Cancer with Rikki Rockett

In this Special Edition of the CURE Talks Cancer podcast, we spoke with Poison drummer and throat cancer survivor Rikki Rockett about his cancer journey and why it's important to "Open Up and Say... Ahh!" during Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week.

2. FDA Hearing on Breast Implant Safety Raises Questions

Despite emotional testimony from women who say their breast implants made them sick with cancer or autoimmune symptoms, the Food and Drug Administration has no plans to ban the textured implants that are being blamed. We go into detail in this story.

1. Being Cut Loose From Oncology

As much as patients look forward to hearing they have no evidence of disease, contributor Sarah DeBord explores how that can also mean being sent out on their own to sort through life with the long-term damage of cancer.

And as always, for links to all of our top stories and more, visit

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Dr. Andreas M. Kaiser is a professor and chief of the Division of Colorectal Surgery in the Department of Surgery at City of Hope comprehensive cancer center in Duarte, California.
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