
CURE wins awards because of you

We've had readers tell us that they've been reading CURE for years. They may have picked up the magazine at their first visit to the oncologist, read CURE during their chemotherapy infusions and then subscribed to the magazine when they finished treatment, passing their issues along to friends and family who may have been diagnosed after them. And throughout that journey, you've steadily let us know what's important to you. We've received so many letters and e-mails suggesting article ideas, telling us what you like and what you don't like, telling us what stories we've nailed and what we missed (we appreciate that, too!). You've shared beautiful, heart-breaking and very personal stories of your cancer journeys. That's why when CURE won three FOLIO magazine awards this past week, we knew it was because of you, and we wanted to share this honor with you, our readers.CURE placed first in the health/fitness consumer magazine full issue category for our Spring 2010 issue and for best health/fitness consumer magazine website. The Winter 2009 cover won third for best consumer magazine cover (with 250,000-plus circulation). Thank you.

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Dr. Andreas M. Kaiser is a professor and chief of the Division of Colorectal Surgery in the Department of Surgery at City of Hope comprehensive cancer center in Duarte, California.
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