
Celebrating Big


In this week’s episode of CURE Talks Cancer, we spoke with lung cancer survivor Taylor Bell Duck about her cancer journey and celebrating survivorship 10 years later.

In this week’s episode of CURE Talks Cancer, we spoke with lung cancer survivor Taylor Bell Duck about her cancer journey and celebrating survivorship.

At the age of 21, Taylor, who was a never-smoker and a division I soccer player, was diagnosed with lung cancer, and has since fought to stomp the stigmas surrounding the disease with Your Cancer Game Plan. Today, as she recently celebrated her 10-year anniversary, Taylor talks about how she embraces her new life, and how others can relish in the victories of every day life, big and small.

“Celebrate big and do the things that you love,” she said. “It is important to have a day to celebrate your life, and the journey patients go through is so important…so go eat cupcakes and have champagne!”

To read more about Talyor’s cancer journey, visit: http://www.curetoday.com/link/105

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