When COVID-19 Cast a Dark Cloud on the World, One Oncology Nurse Offered Light in Dark Times


Oncology patients are often vulnerable to the world around them. This world has become even more risky for our patients due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. The coronavirus is in the grocery stores, in the streets and even in our hospitals. It is difficult to go anywhere and not have a close call with it.

It’s as if a dark cloud is looming over our planet, and we, as health care workers, feel it as well; we are worn down and tired. There are a few nurses who rise to the occasion, continue to bring light in these dark times and maintain a positive attitude while going above and beyond to care for their patients.

Alison Boudreau is one of these nurses who lets her drive for caring for others push her to continue on strong and unwavering. I often hear patients report uneasiness because of the pandemic when deciding to come to the hospital, but this feeling is put to rest when Alison exhibits how much she cares and will help them.

Alison puts families at ease as well by reaching out and updating family members on the status of her patients — this means a lot to them. She has traveled to Nashville, Tennessee, to obtain bone marrow transplant education to be able to provide care to a variety of oncology patients. When I think of a nurse who is worthy of this award, I think of Alison. She puts in the time to hone her craft, is always unconditionally caring toward her patients and families and continues to be a beacon of light during these dark times.

She changes the life of each and every one of her patients in a positive way, and this is what it means to be a nurse.

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