Lung Cancer Heroes®
After Kelsey Ahmed’s mother, Martha, was diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer, Kelsey and her family got to work raising funds and spreading awareness for the American Lung Association.
When I think of the noun “caretaker,” a lot of words come to my mind: generous, giving, thoughtful, supportive and willing to do just about anything for the better of the person they look after.
From left: Kelsey Ahmed and Cori Dubie-O'Connor. Photos by Cait Costa.
When I think of Kelsey Ahmed, I think of all of those things.
Kelsey has been a dedicated participant, committee member and advocate for the American Lung Association since I met her in 2019. She has attended every American Lung Association event, joined every committee and completed every call to action — whether it be reaching out to local legislators to better the lives of those who suffer from lung disease or ensuring we have prizes to raffle off to raise the critical funds we need as an organization. She takes every task she is given with pride and fulfills every duty asked of her. She goes above and beyond for the American Lung Association in so many ways. All of this she does for her mother, Martha.
After Kelsey’s mother, Martha, was diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer, Kelsey and her family got to work raising funds and spreading awareness for the American Lung Association.
Since I was introduced to Kelsey just a few years ago, she has since spoken at our Annual LUNG FORCE Walk: Providence about the importance of raising funds and celebrating life. Kelsey has recruited friends and family members to join their team, Martha Matters, at multiple events, raising more than $13,000 for our LUNG FORCE Walk: Providence in 2021. Over the past three years, Kelsey, Martha and the rest of her team have raised almost $40,000 for the American Lung Association.
Kelsey is on multiple event committees and attends every meeting, making suggestions that will better the event for those who suffer from lung disease and make the day easier and safer for those who suffer from lung disease.
Our mission at the American Lung Association is to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease through research, education and advocacy. The funds Kelsey and her team have raised have directly affected and supported those who suffer from lung disease daily. The American Lung Association has also introduced a COVID-19 Action Initiative. This will be used to provide free lung health education and masks to those in need, protect public health by advocating for COVID-19 and flu vaccines in underserved communities of color and prevent future outbreaks by investing in respiratory virus research.
Everything Kelsey and her team do to spread awareness and raise funds makes a direct impact on not just her family but people in our community.
Kelsey is generous, giving, thoughtful, supportive and willing to do just about anything for her mother, Martha, for all of the women in her life who have suffered from lung disease and for the American Lung Association.
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