The Dark Side of the Sun (and other radiation hazards)
While scientists have known for a century that ionizing radiation can cause cancer, modern srudies strive to uncover potential negatives of radiation across the spectrum.
Radiation Timeline
History of radiation research, discovery, and progress, including the first uses of radiation as cancer therapy.
Genetic Interactions
Cancer develops because of permanent changes in a person's genes. Environmental factors, including various types of radiation exposure, are responsible for gene alterations that scientists are just beginning to understand.
Preventing Exposure
Tips on how to prevent exposure to radon in your home, UV rays from the sun, and radiofrequency from cell phones.
v4n2 - Phases of Disease
Not all patients with CML are similar. Doctors have used a variety of scoring systems to assess the stage and risk of a newly diagnosed CML patients.
v4n2 - Monitoring CML: One Cell in a Million
Swapping of genetic material between chromosomes 9 and 22, a chromosomal translocation called the Philadelphia chromosome, causes CML.
v4n2 - Regaining Control
So, getting cancer was a gift? Your life is better because of it? People ask me these questions all the time, and they’re not easy to answer.
v4n2 - EGFR: Who Will Benefit from New Therapies?
In the early 1950s, Stanley Cohen, MD, began working on nerve growth factors, which are involved in the development of the nervous system.
v4n2 - Reader's Forum
Teenage cancer diagnosis marked the path for this survivor.
v4n2 - Power Bloggers
Cancer patients are using web-based diaries to share treatment experiences. But some advise caution.
v4n2 - Do you have something to say?
If You're Game, getting into the biogosphere is fairly easy to do, you just need to register with a blog site such as, set up your page and start typing.
v4n2 - Connecting Online
I am awed when I consider that billions of electrical impulses traversing networks of computers worldwide have created a haven for people who share a terrifying disease.
v4n2 - What is Insider Trading?
The Term Insider trading can apply to both legal and illegal conduct.
v4n2 - Healing Heat
v4n2 - Disrupting Metastasis
v4n2 - Predicting Treatment Outcomes in Breast Cancer
v4n2 - The Future of Metastasis Treatment
v4n2 - Caregivers Face Two Losses
Road to Recovery
For head and neck cancer patients, treatment creates unique issues.