This series follows one patient’s journey with multiple myeloma through diagnosis and treatment information, provided by Elie Fahed, MD.
EP. 1: Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis: The Beginning of Beth’s Story
Elie Fahed, MD, provides an overview of what multiple myeloma is, and Beth walks us through her frustrating journey to initial diagnosis as an atypical patient.
EP. 2: Beth’s Atypical Case of Multiple Myeloma
Beth goes into the challenges she faced regarding multiple myeloma diagnosis due to her atypical case and discusses the first treatments that she received.
EP. 3: Multiple Myeloma: The Role of Autologous Stem Cell Transplant
Elie Fahed, MD, describes the process and rationale for autologous stem cell transplant in multiple myeloma, and Beth shares her experience with receiving one.
EP. 4: Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis to Relapse: Beth’s Mindset
Beth provides insight into her mindset at initial multiple myeloma diagnosis, after autologous stem cell transplant, while in remission, and at first relapse.
EP. 5: Multiple Myeloma: The Role of Free Light Chains
Beth describes the first relapse of multiple myeloma she experienced, and Elie Fahed, MD, explains what free light chains are and the role that they play.
EP. 6: Beth’s Experience with Chemotherapy for Multiple Myeloma
Beth compares her experiences with two multiple myeloma chemotherapy regimens, and Mark shares thoughts on Beth’s remission.
EP. 7: The Impact of Multiple Myeloma on Beth’s Quality of Life
Beth discusses the impact on quality of life caused by her second relapse of multiple myeloma, as well as shares her experience with subsequent treatment.
EP. 8: Multiple Myeloma: Physical & Mental Effects Experienced by Beth
Elie Fahed, MD, and Beth have an in-depth discussion on the physical and mental side effects Beth experiences while being treated for multiple myeloma.
EP. 9: Multiple Myeloma: A Caregiver’s Perspective and Advice
Mark provides insight into multiple myeloma from the perspective of the caregiver and offers advice to others who might be in the same position.
EP. 10: Beth Is Diagnosed With Triple-Class Refractory Multiple Myeloma
Dr. Elie Fahed explains Beth’s diagnosis of triple-class refractory multiple myeloma and targeted therapy, and Beth recalls symptoms and side effects she experienced.
EP. 11: Triple-Class Refractory Multiple Myeloma Improves With New Therapy
Beth describes her journey after treatment failure for triple-class refractory multiple myeloma, as well as improvement due to a new therapy.
EP. 12: Multiple Myeloma: The Importance of a Patient’s Support Network
Elie Fahed, MD, and Beth describe the multiple lines of social and professional support Beth received and also gave to others throughout her journey with multiple myeloma.
EP. 13: Multiple Myeloma: The Importance of Communication
Elie Fahed, MD, and Beth discuss the importance of communication in the management of multiple myeloma, and Mark shares advice for caregivers regarding communication.
EP. 14: Multiple Myeloma: Resources for Patients with Financial Hardship
Beth discusses the financial hardships she experienced due to multiple myeloma and highlights sources of financial support made available to patients.
EP. 15: Final Thoughts on Adapting to Life with Multiple Myeloma
Beth shares final thoughts and advice on adapting to life with multiple myeloma, and Elie Fahed, MD, concludes with a summary of key take home messages.