Strategies for Improving Life With a Chronic Disease
Because MPNs can cause chronic disease that spans years or even decades, some patients need their significant other to become their caregiver.
Adjusting to Cancer Together
Patients and their caregivers may benefit from community support and education following an MPN diagnosis
4 Steps to a Delicious, Healthy Smoothie for Cancer Survivors
Drink this between meals to help gain or maintain a healthy weight during and after cancer treatment.
One Step Closer to an MPN Cure
Treatments with JAK inhibitors are continuing to make their way into the MPN space, providing symptom relief, but not yet a cure.
Diet May Impact Symptom Burden in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
Patients with MPNs should consult with their treating physician to individualize a healthy, nutritious diet to help ease symptoms.
Novel Approaches Create a Bridge to Transplant in MPNs
Researchers may have uncovered new ways to help patients with accelerated-phase and blast-phase MPNs live longer by borrowing therapies from other blood cancers.