Window Flowers

By Gail Durant

October 13o, 2021

My name is Gail Durant, and I experienced cancer through my husband Bob, in the care I provided for him. He passed in 2013 with glioblastoma multiforme 4. We were extremely close and did everything together. He loved flowers and walks with nature. I just recently started painting when COVID-19 hit. I'll never forget in the infusion room where my husband was being treated for his cancer that there were flowers outside the window and we used to sit and watch the hummingbirds come by. The window with flowers inspired me to paint this and I was pleasantly surprised how well it came out for my third painting. I also incorporated yellow roses as my mom died of lung cancer and yellow roses were her favorite flower. I did all the flowers with a Q-tip and toothpick. This artwork was originally submitted for the CURE® 2021 Healing Through Hues Calendar Contest.